Wednesday, October 2, 2024


It wasn’t a huge argument. We’d had worse.

It was simply dealing with the pressures of unexpected circumstances that meant we were sharing our home with a relative who needed our care. We were more than happy to help in any way we could.

She was the perfect guest, one of our matriarchs, and we would not have had her with anyone else at this pivotal time. This precious soul was fighting a losing battle with cancer and needed our family and the love and support we gladly gave.

What led to that moment of tension between my husband and myself? Honestly, I don’t remember. But I do recall that we had taken that all-important “discussion” behind the closed door of our bedroom to keep our in-home patient from being aware that we needed to clear the air over some trivial issue.

We had been in our room talking for only a few minutes, when our bedroom door gently opened. (I guess our lowered voices in our small home carried more than we realized.) Our then 2-year-old daughter scrambled up to join us where we sat on our bed.

She listened for a Nano second and simply looked squarely at me and said, “Mom, have you just ‘bout had it?”

Our discussion halted.

My husband and I had nothing more to say. We simply chuckled and hugged her as we marveled at our daughter’s sensitivity and the question we would use often when we found ourselves at odds and just needed to call it a draw.


That toddler is now a wife and mother of two very bright and verbal sons who are frequently in need of a referee. Her wisdom has developed along with her motherhood. These two teens will surely recall the steady demeanor of their mom, just as we enjoy the fond memories of this blond, blue-eyed diplomat with the insight of greater moments to come.

Given the opportunity, I think she could solve world problems with her gentle spirit, her listening heart, and her devotion to the same God of wisdom who had long ago called Solomon to mitigate among His people.

“...let it (your adornment) be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.” I Peter 3:4 NKJV

Nancy K Sullivan

Posted from Faithwriters Challenge for "Peacemaker" dated August 22, 2024  
The Limit | Previous Challenge Entry | FaithWriters

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Two Missions

     It was a beautiful fall day on the earth below. Morning light had released the moon and stars from the night watch. Soft eyes watched every move from their lofty place.  

      Golden hair hung loosely about shoulders that were slightly slumped forward as this one rested his elbows on his knees. Waiting. His quiet countenance set him apart from the others. Today this his mind was fixed on what lay ahead for him. He didn't hear the firm footsteps of his comrade as he entered the chamber.

     "Why are you so thoughtful today?" said the one with dark hair. The difference between the two was stark. They had the same Creator, yet were given completely different auras and features. This one did not have the softness, rather his angular jaw spoke to the strength that also showed in his muscular shoulders and upper arms. His deep-set eyes were piercing and reflected ages of experience.

     "I see so much angst in the lives below," the first replied. "Humans scurrying about, some watching warily around them for any signs of danger. Others are responsible for spreading hate and violence. This is nothing like the world we had in the beginning. It was filled with pure beauty and perfect peace. Sin entered through the first man and woman. And the anointed cherub became prideful because of his beauty; his wisdom was corrupted because of his splendor. He turned on our Creator and was cast out of our paradise. The earth has never been the same.

     "So many kings and leaders, good and horrid, battling through centuries. Lives have become cheap. And here we are again. My work will never be complete, at least not until our Creator reclaims His world and those who have placed complete trust and faith in Him through His Son. Never again will one reside in His kingdom who will betray Him the way the great deceiver did."

     The one who wore gleaming armor across his chest stood and stepped forward overlooking the chaos. "I agree. Because of the vanity of that 'anointed cherub'," he scoffed, "our work is ongoing, and our assignments were made and sealed for times such as these. The chaos is intensifying day by day. Some are responding by placing their trust in the Father. Some are still struggling with their own pride. Others have sadly grieved The Holy One for the last time; their eternal fate is sealed. We can no longer help them."

     The fair one continued his observations: "The people are once again making decisions today. Who will be the leader of this nation that has for so long followed goodness and has reached out to the countless countries with nowhere else to turn? The Throne Room echoes with prayers and praises of those who continue to seek the Creator's mercy and grace. Will this earthly power of the people continue to struggle against the evil force that hatches lies to discourage and bring fear, or will they finally give in to the relentless attacks by taking an easy way out?"

     The strong one returned to his spot and hoisted his helmet to protect his mighty head and neck. He grasped his sword and belted it around his waist. He strapped the iron protection around his thighs. His feet were firmly planted inside the boots that would soon thunder across the heavens on his way to battle.

     The gentler one slowly rose from his seat and took one last look at the scene below. His mission would be one of sharing hope from The Father with His anointed ones. He would see that each one of the messages held securely in his grasp would be delivered.

    Michael and Gabriel were ready for the day.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Last week our state experienced an October surprise that had nothing to do with the upcoming election. An ice storm. An epic ice storm that sent tree branches crashing TO the ground and INTO the ground like spears boring into the earth at an angle. Trees that had been planted and nurtured for years now stand stripped of their glorious branches and leaves. The power outages have been rampant, and more than 300,000 homes in our communities were left without power during the freezing temperatures. Those homes had more than one person living inside so that number doesn't tell the entire story. A week later, 120,000 are still waiting for their comfort to return with lights, heat, and in rural areas, water. Thankfully, our beautiful fall weather has returned making it so much easier for clean up crews and residents trying to stay warm without

As I look at the widespread broken tree limbs around the city, I’m reminded that at one time or another we all experience brokenness. And then I’m reminded of the amazing process of healing that follows. Through our salvation, we are all made new. A clean slate that is our heart and one on which the Lord will write a new beginning and the work that He has begun will be completed. He is faithful to help us over the bumps along the way and eager to forgive because those missteps the Bible calls “sin” are already covered by the blood of Jesus. I find great comfort in knowing that His mercies are new every day. Like trees that will return in full splendor next Spring, our lives can flourish in the promise of redemption.

’m reminded 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Tale of Two Worlds

     The struggle is real. Two opposing forces are battling for the hearts and minds of America. Who will lead the nation as the most powerful person, not just in this country, but in the world? Who would sit among the nine justices as either interpreters of the constitution or as litigators according to whatever standards serves the purposes of their political persuasion? That choice was recently decided through another embattled process that ended in a narrow majority vote.

In the end, both sides win. But one, only for a season.

There are a growing number of Americans who seek to govern according to the standards that can look like a free-for-all of personal ideals. No rules for marriage or childbirth; no financial responsibility because everything will be “free”: Education, health care, housing. A society of live-and-let-live that certainly sounds like a utopian existence.

In this world, there will be no borders because America should have a heart and soul for anyone wishing asylum for every manner of lawlessness alongside those who genuinely seek a better life for their families and themselves. A world where only the strong survive.

In this world, no thought toward a certain field of education that will lead to a desired career is needed. The government would be more than happy to make that decision for everyone, along with the number of hours that will be worked and the amount of “wages” to be paid. “Don’t worry. Be happy. We’ve got this,” says the big brother with the long arm. And the control. Of everything.

In this world, your excessive tax dollars will not be wasted on the elderly, the infirm, those with birth defects, or even the unborn child, i.e. another mouth to be fed by the government because the parents won’t be able to feed him. Those tax dollars will be enjoyed by the powerful forces who are so much better at making decisions for the less intelligent, less motivated tax payers who will soon become even less motivated day by day. Then they will also become more dependent on the government whose laws are meant for everyone except themselves. Those same government leaders will also be the ones enjoying the fruits of each American’s labor much more than the crumbs the laborers will get to enjoy. And if you want something that someone else has worked for, just follow the government’s example and take it. Because it’s the land of “only the strong survive”.

There will be no religious guidelines to clutter the minds of the individuals. Because the general belief is everyone can be his/her own god. All-knowing and wise in their own eyes. And the law allows for the punishment of anyone who chooses to believe in a one true God. Close those pesky churches, take away their rights to a parking lot, a bakery, a beauty salon, or a gym. Starve them out. That will teach them.

For those who are becoming increasingly impatient, just hang on because your earthly Utopia is coming. And it’s coming soon. In the blink of an eye, you’ll notice that a vast number of people have vanished. Some who are mid-way through surgery, be it a heart bypass or a root canal, will be left wondering where the surgeon has disappeared to and why is no one monitoring the machines and oxygen levels. There will be a skeleton crew in these vital positions wondering the same thing. Where did the pilot of the 757 go? It’s an odd time for a coffee break that seems to never end. Isn’t it about time to land this thing?

Not to fear because a leader of all worldly leaders has been in place for such a time as this. He will have all the answers to your questions. He will provide every need. His voice will be the one in the midst of the chaos calming the world through a technology that will undoubtedly reach each and every terror-stricken heart. God calls him “the anti-christ”. For these three-and-a-half years it will be a time of unity and peace. This may be the world you presently think you want. No more churches or people trying to drag you there. No more hypocrites saying one thing and doing another. No one trying to encourage you with Bible verses and prayers spoken in your behalf. No one meddling in your personal life. But it’s probably a world you will not want to be in when it becomes a place where the Holy Spirit no longer dwells.

Then reality will set in. Once this smiling and reassuring “person” allows his true heart to shine, the terror will erase every comforted thought he personally delivered that short three-and-a-half years prior in the wake of the mass disappearance of unnumbered family and friends. “It was just the aliens, you know. Everything will be fine. Just follow my lead. I’ll take care of you. You can trust me.” The same lips that uttered that nonsense are now snarling to the point of dripping venom as his predestined reign of terror begins. It will also last three-and-a-half years.

Need food? Just take this little mark. No need to worry about losing it. It’s permanent. It’s your ticket to food, medicine, fuel. All of those things without which no one can survive. What? You mean you realized those Bible thumpers were right after all? It wasn’t the aliens, but the Savior of the world who fulfilled his promise of coming for His bride, the Christians, at a time only His Father God knew. “’No mark for you,’ you say? “No problem. We’ll just take your head.” Because, you see, this will be the price of refusing the mark of the beast the Bible warned about. To refuse the mark of the beast is to choose Heaven, but it will mean sudden death by decapitation. For those who do take this mark, they are also signing onto an eternity in a place where the fire never goes out and the worm never dies. It’s called Hell. It’s real, and it’s forever.

Choosing this world is very simple. You simply do nothing.

It takes complete faith and a repentant heart to surrender your all to the Jesus who is just who God says He is. God’s Son. One hundred percent God, one hundred percent man. His death on the cross paid for the sins of the world. A one-time event to cover every sin in every heart. He loves you that much! The amazing thing is that it’s a free gift to anyone who will call upon the name of the Lord to be saved:


“for if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed.”  For these is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call upon Him; forWhoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.”  Romans 10:9-13


“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”  John 3:16 KJV


Speaking of the world already chosen by generations through that child-like faith, it begins the moment “Jesus steps up on a cloud to call His children” which is also the beginning of the first three-and-a-half-year period mentioned above. The dead in Christ will rise first to meet Him in the air. Living, born-again Christians will follow immediately behind them to a place of eternal peace and joy. (I Thessalonians 4:16) Our heavenly home prepared by Jesus Christ Himself. In His own words, He said:

 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many dwelling places: if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:1-3 NASB

This “place”, this other world, is a place with no sickness, no death, no murderers or thieves. A world where believers will be reunited with other loved ones who did choose to believe and to receive God’s gift of eternal life. A world that needs no sun to light the day or moon to light the night, because God’s glory is the eternal flame. A land of milk and honey, of streets paved with gold so pure that it will be translucent in appearance. The Garden of Eden God created, but this one will last for eternity. No sin will ever pollute this world.

A place with no tears:

 “And He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any death; there shall no longer be any mourning, or crying or pain: the first things have passed away.” And He who sits on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.” And He said, “Write: for these words are faithful and true.” And He said to me, “It is done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of water of life without cost. He who overcomes shall inherit these things; and I will be his God, and he will be My son.” Revelation 21:4-7 KJV

There are some who will not be in this world:

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Revelation 21:9 KJV

What is your heart’s true cry? A world of temporal freedom that will lead to eternal imprisonment in a place where no one even has a name. One pastor refers to it a “wasteland of humanity”. And don’t forget about the eternal fire.

Or would you prefer to live in perfect peace and walk among giants of faith spoken of in Hebrews and loved ones who likely were praying for you with their last breath? With Jesus Himself. I can only imagine. A place where we will, indeed, have jobs and responsibilities. One of Satan’s biggest lies is that heaven is a boring place where its residents just float around on clouds eternally.

“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” II Peter 3:9-10.

This could be your moment. Your invitation to accept God’s free gift of eternal life in Heaven with Him. You can do this right now, right where you are. The following is from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association: 


You can have real, lasting peace today through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Start your four-step journey now!

Step 1 – God loves you and has a plan for you!

The Bible says, “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, [Jesus Christ], that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”—a complete life full of purpose (John 10:10).

But here’s the problem:

Step 2 – Man is sinful and separated from God.

We have all done, thought or said bad things, which the Bible calls “sin.” The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

The result of sin is death, spiritual separation from God (Romans 6:23).

The good news?

Step 3 – God sent His Son to die for your sins!

Jesus died in our place so we could have a relationship with God and be with Him forever.

“God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

But it didn’t end with His death on the cross. He rose again and still lives!

“Christ died for our sins. … He was buried. … He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

Jesus is the only way to God. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6).

Step 4 – Would you like to receive God’s forgiveness?

We can’t earn salvation; we are saved by God’s grace when we have faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. All you have to do is believe you are a sinner, that Christ died for your sins, and ask His forgiveness. Then turn from your sins—that’s called repentance. Jesus Christ knows you and loves you. What matters to Him is the attitude of your heart, your honesty. We suggest praying the following prayer to accept Christ as your Savior:


“Dear God,

I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness.
I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died
for my sin and that you raised Him to life.
I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord,
from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will.

I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”


Time is running out for those who need to decide. Jesus could come for His children today. Which world will you choose?

© Nancy K. Sullivan

     October 29, 2020





Friday, July 31, 2020

Draw Me

Photography by Mid Stutsman

Draw Me

Draw me through my tears
  Embrace me in my fears
In the stillness of the night
  Draw me

Draw me through my doubt
  Use truth to draw me out
When lies of the world deceive
  Draw me

Draw me into Your joy
  Use praises to employ
Your mercy and Your grace
  Draw me

Draw me to new heights
  Lift me with Your might
To Your ways higher than mine
  Draw me

Draw me through the skies
  To Your glorious home on high
Forever in Your light
  Draw me

© Nancy K. Sullivan    
    February 4, 2014

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Hill of Beran

It was almost like the Garden of Eden, this little valley where they lived. The petals of each bloom were succulent in appearance, filled with fragrant oils and life. The Clan K of four tended their plants and marveled at how the God of the universe had blessed them.

As the day faded into another beautiful evening, the mother spoke.

“You know,” Elle K said as her eyes embraced the fields and moved upward, “the top of the Hill of Beran looks to be a lonely place. No one ever goes there. The climb is so steep, and there is no reward awaiting. Just a plain crest surrounded by thin branches and trunks of trees that have lost their desire to grow. We should take seeds from the beauty we have sown here to the top of the Hill of Beran and plant them.”
The Clan K was blessed with two fine young men who were always eager to help tend the fertile Valley of Florae, but the thought of trudging up to    place where no one ever went just to share some of their precious flower seeds brought many grumbles.

“Now, boys. Don’t be too quick to think badly of your mother’s idea. She rarely requests anything of us. If this is something that feels important to her, we should give some serious thought to her idea,” cautioned their father, Papa K.

But Papa K’s heart was far from his spoken words. He had traveled to the top of that hill before; he knew the journey would be long and demanding. He had seen that crest up close and knew it to be void of any nutrition for their precious pips. But he would not deny his lovely bride of anything within his power to deliver.

By morning, Elle K had filled each seed sack with some of the best nuggets ready to be planted. The sacks were heavy on their shoulders. They left their fertile Valley of Florae and started the climb to the Hill of Beran.

The longer they walked, the steeper the climb became. Their seed sacks rubbed against their waists and thighs until tiny holes began to wear into the coarse burlap. The Clan K were too busy struggling with their footing to notice that as they climbed higher, more seeds fell to the ground.
When at last they reached the top of the Hill of Beran, they lifted the seed sacks from their shoulders. That’s when they noticed that they were no longer heavy. Most of the seeds had fallen out along the way.

“Papa, look! Our sacks are almost empty. We’ve climbed all this way. My shoes are nearly worn through from the rocks and crags, and now we’ve practically nothing to plant!”
Elle K examined her own flimsy seed sack that had been filled tight. She sighed. She could not let her husband and their boys feel their trip had been in vain.

 “Look at the seeds,” she implored. “The smaller ones fell through the tiny, worn places, but some seeds did survive our trek. Let’s find the very best spots to plant them. We’ll pray for the God of the universe to bless them. Then they will be in His hands.”

The Spring thaw had left a few shallow ponds among the thin trees, and there would be at least some shade there to protect the flowers, if they grew at all. The Clan K went to work and tenderly set the seeds just below the surface of the soil nearest the water ponds, then made the long trip downhill to their beautiful Valley of Florae.

Fall came, then Winter. Life settled back into their routine with few thoughts of their venture to the Hill of Beran.

Then Spring arrived.

After an afternoon of watering and tending their lush florals, Elle K rolled back onto her heels and stretched her neck upward.

“Look!” She exclaimed.

The path they had taken to the top of the Hill of Beran was alive with blooms, just like the Valley of Florae. And the top of the Hill of Beran was afire with color as the sun provided the spotlight for God’s blessings on those few surviving seeds.

Clans from far and wide now make the journey to the top of the Hill of Beran. The once barren crest is now covered with beauty. Every year the flowers increase in number and size, especially at the very top.  

And God smiles.

“How lovely on the mountains
 Are the feet of him who brings good news,
 Who announces peace,
 And brings good news of happiness,
 Who announces salvation,
 And says to Zion,
‘Your God reigns!’”  (Isaiah 52:7 NASB)

A fable to honor a special family. 


Friday, November 16, 2018

Sealed With Color

Sharing Ken Kniskern's photography and beautiful reminder that God teaches us through His creation.

     "Sitting home on a warm fall day, contemplating the events of the past few months, and remembering some of the incredible things that God has done in and through the lives of our family this past year. We have been so busy with life, and as the fall and holiday season approaches, I am ready to slow down... to catch the beauty in the colorful display of God's artistry across the sky.

     Did you ever learn why the leaves change colors in the fall... well, technically they don't. I know, I know, the pictures I have posted the past few days prove me wrong, but lets look at what actually happens. During the spring and summer while the tree is busy producing food, the Chlorophyl in the leaves creates a bright green color that masks the colors already there. Once the days grow short, the tree begins to store food, and production stops and the chlorophyl is absorbed into the leaf revealing the beautiful colors that were already there. The glucose and waste left behind in the leaf provides additional vibrance and color to the display.

     Why the science lesson? In Genesis 9, God gives Noah a promise sealed with the colors of the rainbow after the flood had destroyed the earth. Interestingly enough the fall leaves mirror this promise... Life is not over, all is not lost... Spring will come once more, as it always has... If you are in a season of despair, this is God's promise that though the season is changing, He is still the artist behind each brush stroke of our lives.

     A closer look reveals something more - Something for ALL of us. Remember that while the tree is busy producing food, the colors cannot be seen... It is once the production stops that they are revealed. Perhaps this fall as we approach the holiday season, you are in a season of business... Production is in full swing, and your beauty is being masked by your business. 

     I pray that you will take some time to slow down, and allow others to see Christ in You - the beauty that has been there all along, simply masked by the business of life. Oh, and that left over food that adds to the beauty of the leaf... Perhaps you can share that Beauty (Christ) with someone around you, and help spread the color of God's promise across the forest of your existence!" 

     Happy Fall! KK

"And the bow shall be in the cloud; 
and I will look upon it, that I may 
remember the everlasting covenant 
between God and every living creature 
of all flesh that is upon the earth."
Genesis 9:16

(You can see more of Ken's work at )

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Dead Sea Rising Review

       Dead Sea Rising is an invitation to experience two worlds: The first, the Bermans', a modern-day Messianic Jewish family. The second, Terah's family in biblical Mesopotamia.

        Jerry Jenkins has his feet firmly planted in both worlds, and he intertwines the two with intrigue and danger that will make you willing, eager even, to travel with him through Dead Sea Rising.  If you enjoy serials, hang on. This one is going to be big!

       Hurry now to Barnes & Nobel or Amazon to get your copy before they're gone!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Launch Team Update on Dead Sea Rising by Jerry Jenkins

Reposting to bump this reminder to the top for anyone near Brentwood, TN this evening at 7PM.

Moving right along in the launch event for Dead Sea Rising. If you're in the Brentwood, TN area on November 9, 2018 this announcement is just for you:

Thursday, November 8, 2018


It was time to say “Goodbye.” The dream of building our own home in the country and sharing that experience with our two daughters had been realized. Our little girls had made the transition from life in the city to country living and survived the culture shock of trading next door neighbors for a patch of land far removed from everything familiar – far removed from just about everything, actually. 

They were now young women and had left their rural nest in pursuit of their own dreams. It was time for my husband and myself to vacate that same nest and return to the city to begin a new chapter in our own lives.

What an adventure that 20 years had been. We would officially move into our almost-finished rock and rough cedar ranch house in 1980 during the hottest summer on record in our state. Anything that stayed in place for more than 20 seconds either dried up or was devoured by grasshoppers numbered by Biblical standards. By mid-July we were walking on crispy grass that would remain brown until the following spring.

After the initial excitement of building and moving into our new home had worn off, I was left with the reality that I was literally living in the middle of nowhere with all manner of creepy crawlies that were certainly much smaller and less lethal than the ones that existed in my imagination. A reality that meant many hours of alone time and facing many small emergencies that inevitably came when my knight/cowboy could not be there to resolve them.

My husband would travel the 60 miles to the city to work, adding a two-hour round-trip commute to an already long work day. This city girl would survive by staying active in our new church and investing in the girls’ world of basketball and cheer leading in their rural school and even more church activities.

We would experience sudden downpours of rain that would wash out the low-water crossing on the only trail from the county road to our front door. The expression, “Lord willin’ and the creeks don’t rise” was a statement of fact for us on more than one occasion. One of the heaviest snow and ice storms on record would mean four days of intermittent power outages and lots of family togetherness until the snow stopped long enough for my husband to clear a path with our tractor. I was actually a little disappointed when the school buses were able to reclaim miles and miles of dirt and gravel roads and my husband would reclaim his lane on the highway to his two jobs.

I miss the simpler pleasures of that time: A roaring fire in the over-sized fireplace and the wonderful smell that only charred firewood can offer. Along that same vein, I miss the beginning of fall and spending long afternoons raking leaves and twigs from around the pond into huge piles that would also fill the air with aromatic cinders and smoke. Our front door faced the west, and the sunsets seemed to be an inscribed love letter from God to our small family. Rainbows would come and go as they hovered just above the tree line that encircled our remote piece of the rock.

Most importantly, that time in the country was marked by a dependency on God that would not have happened at any other time or under any other circumstance I’ve experienced. The isolation within the walls of that remote haven meant my spending many more hours with Him than a busier lifestyle could have accommodated. Our stay there meant my faith became more of a commitment than a convenience.

When the time came for the new owners to begin living their dream on our farm, my final walk over the cleared front half of the 80 acres was as serene as any place on earth. A new-fallen snow blanketed the thirty-five acres of pasture surrounding our home and glistened peacefully among tree branches heavy with the moist powder. I was careful to photograph and video ahead of each step to keep from spoiling the untouched serenity. It was a still and quiet “Goodbye” that I never wanted to end.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NASB) says, “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven.” Whatever our future may bring, living in rural America was that defining season that will forever remain deeply etched into my heart and mind. 
