The inner grocery aisles are lined and stacked with white flour and sugar in infinite forms, and my name was stamped on many of them. I felt that I was living my life with my finger on the self-destruct button.
A few years ago, my sister’s frustration with her weight issues led to gastric bypass surgery. The required classes before the surgery failed to mention the high mortality rate and the devastating side effects she heard about only after her near-death experience with the surgery. It seemed to be the answer for her at the time, and it very well could have been the best option available; however, the surgeon who may have been well-trained in this particular surgery was not equipped to deal with massive amounts of scar tissue from previous surgeries --- a complication that could well have been the reason for the weight and health problems she was having prior to the by-pass surgery. A forty-five minute procedure dragged into an almost three-hour major operation. Undiagnosed infections and her inability to eat without getting sick over the next six months almost ended her life. After returning to the capable hands of her primary care physician, it was eight months before she could drive a car and then for only very short distances. Thankfully, she did make a full recovery and has only a few lingering, yet controllable, complications.
I mention her experience because when commercials began appearing during the news hour that the band surgery could immediately “cure” diabetes, I seriously considered taking the easy way out of this medically-challenged group. Imagine my sister’s reaction when I confided in her about this possibility. To her credit, she didn’t reach through the phone receiver and grab me by the throat demanding to know if I had lost my mind. She calmly explained that, even with all her complications, gastric bypass was the better option because it is reversible. The band is not.
It only took a few minutes to mull that bit of information over and decide that surgery was not for me. I knew first-hand the risks and after effects involved were anything but an easy fix for diabetes. If the surgery she went through was the best option, I would try one of the many programs I had tried previously one more time and give it a year before coming back to this as a possibility.
To shorten an already long story, I will simply say that a conversation with a close and highly respected friend led to a wonderful and caring health coach and a program that has changed my life. Within three days of trusting her and the system that has been recommended by over 20,000 physicians, I was in the fat-burning mode. The constant craving for carbohydrates was gone, my energy level dramatically increased as the stubborn fat was being burned for energy.
I've lost about 60 pounds. My last A1C (a test that measures blood sugar levels over a period of time) was normal. I've been able to reduce my medicationss by three-fourths. My primary care physician is thrilled with the results.
My husband, pictured with me, has lost over 50 pounds and is enjoying improved health and reduced medications as well. Our daughter, Mandy? One hundred pounds lost. Her weight loss means she can easily keep up with her active two-year-old and four-year-old sons. Other extended family and friends are seeing the same amazing results.
I not only have a new dress and jeans size, I have a new career. I've become a health coach. My services are free to my clients and their similar stories are my new Addiction. I have a new purpose in helping others achieve their best health through nutrition, behavior modification and education. I’m not a sales person, just a free health coach who is compensated by an amazing company for introducing the program and encouraging others through their journey.
I’ll stop short of making this an “Ad” for the “A” meme and not mention the name of the company. But if you or someone you know could benefit from this program, it would be my honor to encourage them as well. Or if you know someone who could use some extra income by sharing with others from their own home, this program could be the very thing they’re looking for. We’re NOT a multi-level marketing company or a wholesale club. We’re here to coach others to optimal health: Healthy mind, healthy body, and health finances.
“Or do you not know that your body is
a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you,
whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?
For you have been bought with a price:
therefore glorify God in your body.”
(I Corinthians 6:19,20, NASB)