Christian Women's Voice has been an unexpected blessing in my life. One that I could never have known to seek or imagine would come to me.
Debbie Dillon and I met in Patty Wysong's Clearing the Blog Fog class a few years ago and, for reasons I could never explain, the Lord placed me on Debbie's list of contributors as she took this giant step of faith. It is my joy to be included, stretched, and challenged when each semi-monthly deadline rolls around.
I would be remiss not to take advantage of our "C" week to publicly thank Debbie and to acknowledge her faithfulness to the calling of her amazing ministry to women of all ages, all walks of life. Each issue is lovingly set in place by Debbie, and the results confirm that she has been called to this special outreach.

Has God place something bigger than you on your heart?
"Commit your works to the Lord
And your plans will be established."
And your plans will be established."
(Proverbs 16:3, NASB)